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LifeSADX is a manufacturer of a wide range of world-class in vitro diagnostic tests. We offer an expert level of customer service tailored to your specific needs. LifeSADX is dedicated to providing superior products and solutions that minimize costs for our clients.

Products from World Class
Manufacturers of Vitro Diagnostics
LifeSADX’s manufacturing facilities are based in Cape Town, South Africa.
The Cape Town plant is ISO13485:2016 certified and currently operates the following business segments:
Human Urine Test Strips (Urinalysis)
Human Urine Urinalysis
Animal Urine Test Strips (Urinalysis)
Urinalysis for Animals
Test-it CoV-2 lgM/lgG Test Kit
Test-it CoV-2 IgM/IgG Test Kit
LifeSADX CoV-2 IgT
LifeSADX CoV-2 IgT
At LifeSADX we believe that all great companies had small beginnings. Therefore the smallest customer is of great importance to us. We strive to ensure that our response time is the shortest possible, that information supplied is accurate and precise, and that contact with customers remains highly professional at all times. Programmes for ongoing customer satisfaction and customer support take the highest priority and are measured continuously to ensure QUALITY is delivered IN FULL and ON TIME.